WP plugins do not work on CP even though the tag is 100% compatible

My site has been updated to CP version 2.3.0
But for testing, I updated some plugins in XAMPP to check the functionality
Some non-CP plugins even if the update says they are 100% compatible with CP, after the update they either break the page or don’t work properly
However, they have been updated to XAMPP, so it’s less of a shame, I have no intention of touching the main page yet

Can you list those plugins?

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It’s possible, that some of those plugins worked fine with 2.2.0 but perhaps became in some way incompatiable with 2.3.0… Though @Simone should be able to better assist with debugging this.

I’m sorry I didn’t respond earlier.
But I’ve encountered a new problem that’s even more important to me and I’m struggling with it but I can’t solve it.
I’ve encountered the problem described in THIS thread.
So I can’t log in to my site.
When I log in, it says there’s an error with the password
I’ve gone into the database and changed the passwords manually (so far it’s always worked)
Can you solve this problem?
Or should I try to go back to an older version
Or do I just have to do what I fear the most: leave CP and go back to WP

first and foremost, go in the files of the site, specifically in wp-content>plugins and remove cp-pepper plugin (or whatever it is called in your install as of now. It has changed name and that generated issues somehow) - if you want pepper plugin you can install it back later on from the directory. Then disable caching if you have it enabled and change the password in database again.

what security plugin or two factor authentication are you using alongside pepper if any? it would be helpful to know. You can see which plugins are on your site by simply listing in a thread the directories you find under wp-content>plugins.

Let me know if removing pepper and regenerating your password from db solves the issue. That might indicate that pepper has something that needs correcting (we already faced some issues with it locking people out of installs before and solved them, this seems to be something new).

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You might note on my thread that changing the password in cPanel did not work for me (note: it did indeed work for me during an earlier problem with Pepper, but not this time).

What finally worked for me was resetting the password by way of the link in the email CP will send you when your login fails: “Attempt to reset password by following link in CP reset password email.”

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Deleting Pepper didn’t help, nor did clearing the cache.
I hope that everything will be solved by reverting to an older version of CP,
And I hope that I won’t have to set up the site from scratch
If that doesn’t work either, then my website is ruined.

Now I’m curious how that pepper appeared on my site, nor do I know what it’s for because I didn’t install it myself
Did you do with pepper what WP did with gutenberg?
You put it in without my knowledge, so let me deal with it myself
Why didn’t you give us the option to install it or not?
You’ve disappointed me a lot
I hope that I won’t have to leave CP and return to WP after a long time

I found CP version 2.1.1 on my computer
And I finally logged into the site
And I have no intention of updating it any further
I managed to get into the admin pages, and I noticed some things that were not like before
E.g. Theme customization
I don’t know yet if it broke because of pepper or something else (maybe the theme is no longer compatible with CP)
As for the theme, none of the themes in the CP directory meet my needs for my site, unfortunately

Hi Jerry,
I updated 14 sites that use a total of over 160 different WP plugins and did not have a single issue, so there is something with your setup that is playing a role in this and we would like to figure out what that is.

On the pepper plugin, it was added (much like ‘hello dolly’ gets added by WP), but the plugin was not automatically activated, so the addition by itself would not have caused a problem (you would have had to activate it yourself and it was mentioned a few times that only 1 security plugin should be active at a time or they may conflict with each other).

Anyway, without some debug logs or messages, a list of plugins, the theme in use and server configuration information it is not that easy to figure out what is causing your problems.

EDIT: It is my understanding that your test site is XAMPP, but not your main site? I can set up a XAMPP server to try and replicate your issues there (assuming you run XAMPP on Windows 11 and I can still download the same version of XAMPP you are running), but it may be that your main site won’t have those same issues.

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I’d first like to echo what @EliteStarServices said. But I’d also like to add a few things, especially in case anyone else reads this thread:

  • If you have a problem with your site, whether it be to do with logging in or having something look different, your site will not be “ruined”. It’s stored safely in the database, whereas these sorts of issues are in files. The two are completely distinct.
  • If you do have a problem, for the reason just given, don’t panic!
  • Please make regular backups of your site.Then, if the worst happens, you can always reinstate the latest backup. I use UpdraftPlus for this, but there are other plugins that work well too. If you are using a good quality host, they might also be making backups. Ask them!
  • Contrary to what @tpnsolutions said earlier in the thread, upgrading from one 2.x version of ClassicPress to another 2.x version will not break any plugins. That is because we use semantic versioning. When we release version 3.0 (which is a long way off yet), there will be some breakages and we will warn about them, but not until then.
  • ClassicPress has not added any new theme customization. Indeed, you have now gone back to an older version. So this new theme customization was created by a theme or plugin update.
  • Updating a theme or plugin might break compatibility with ClassicPress. For this reason, we recommend that you test such updates first on a test, staging, or localhost site. For example, the latest version of the Query Monitor plugin causes problems on the front-end of sites running CP v.2.2.0 or lower. However, CP v.2.3.0 includes some code (known as a polyfill) that ensures that the latest version of QM now works again as intended.

I started this topic because some plugins say they are 100% compatible with CP Picture 1
I’m also trying these plugins on XAMPP
But 3 plugins are not working properly for me at the moment
Popup Maker - fatal error after update Picture 2
Content Control - fatal error after update Picture 3
Query monitor - fatal error Picture 4
And I’ll probably have to change the theme (ColorMag) too, it’s not the same anymore and on the theme PAGE you can’t see what the minimum WP version is

But I had a problem with logging in on the main page which is on the server and I also have a clone of the same page on XAMPP and on the server (where the main page is) as a test page and of course under a subdomain
And as I already wrote, deleting the pepper plugin (although EliteStarServices says that the plugin doesn’t activate itself but I still found it activated) and deleting the cache didn’t help either.
I only managed to log in when I went back to CP version 2.1.1 and now I’m afraid to restart the update

I already addressed Query Monitor in my previous comment. As I explained there, if you want that to work on ClassicPress, you need to be using version 2.3.0.

So, contrary to your initial assertion that updating to the latest version of CP broke your site, it’s actually the only way that you’ll get the latest version of Query Monitor to work. Otherwise you’ll need to stick not with an old version of ClassicPress but with an old version of Query Monitor.

And just to reiterate, the CP Pepper plugin never activates itself. It needs user interaction to become activated.

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I’ve also checked the other plugins. Content Control is using React in the settings page, so will not work with any ClassicPress version.

Popup maker can work by using

to change WP Version to 4.9 (but this can break other plugins), or by changing /classes/Admin/BlockEditor.php line 124 from global $wp_version; to $wp_version = '4.9'; (but the change will be lost with any plugin update).

I still keep older versions of Content Control and popmaker on the main page and they work fine, but I pointed out that both plugins in the update interface say that they are 100% compatible and that this should be fixed, and I believe that they are not the only plugins

The declaration of compatibility is made by the plugins themselves. It’s not something that ClassicPress can fix. The plugins need to update their requirements.

Compatibility test is against minimum WP version. But this does not guarantee that actually everything works. @timkaye what do you think? Should we remove that compatibility statement?

@Simone Maybe we could change the wording to say something like “Potentially compatible”.

I’ll open a PR for this and also remove this scenario:


PR opened. See #1685.

Here it is after I logged into the XAMPP page and the test page on the server with the older version of CP.
I ran the update again to the latest version of CP and so far everything is working fine except that something is happening with the ColorMag theme so I will be testing other themes in the coming days.
When I do that I will upgrade the CP on the main page as well


If you are using ColorMag from the WP repo free version it displays this message:

**Deprecated**: Function add_theme_support( 'html5' ) was called with an argument that is **deprecated** since version CP-2.0.0! HTML5 is the default. in **/data/vhosts/elica-webservices.it/httpdocs/wp-includes/functions.php** on line **5727**

This can be corrected by commenting out this code from line 135 to 148 in ColorMag/inc/core/class-colormag-enqueue-scripts.php

from this:

			 * Switch default core markup for search form, comment form, and comments
			 * to output valid HTML5.

to this:

			 * Switch default core markup for search form, comment form, and comments
			 * to output valid HTML5.

That feature is not necessary any more because CP deprecated the use of it in favor of a more accessible and clean HTML markup following the HTML5 standards.

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