Add custom post type in dashboard_glance_items

Based on current_user_can( $post_type->cap->edit_posts )

Read-only archive: Issues · ClassicPress/ClassicPress · GitHub

Author: Dora D.

Vote count: 4

Status: open


  • request-add-feature

No comments posted.

This is unrelated to core.
We can’t known all CPT a user is going to add, it is task of the person or code that adds said CPT to add this to the widget.

This is a candidate for a plugin, or code snippet.
Starting point might be a good one here functions - Displaying Custom Post Types In "At A Glance" Meta Box - WordPress Development Stack Exchange

Vote to close this as unactionable and also unnecessary task

It’s my belief that this petition isn’t asking for support for a specific CPT; I think it’s asking for support for any CPT that happens to be active which would be a reasonable request. There’s core functions to determine which CPTs are active, so, this would be trivial to implement if it had the votes.

And if I want to remove one of the 10 CPTS I have?

What would I do to remove the special CPT (lets say I have a “contacts” CPT that I do not want in said widget)

Unless this would allow with a setting to control each CPT, like any plugin that allows you to register CPT does already, I don’t agree that this should be in core.
We wold not only clutter said widget but also make it harder to control - as now I can add, but if Core adds for me, how to I remove? I would need a setting specified in core, which makes all current existing settings in plugins obsolete or would have to change from “ADD” to “REMOVE”

I was just leaving some notes in case it ended up getting the votes. I didn’t vote for it and don’t think it should go into core.

In actuality, I don’t ever use the At a Glance widget. I think of it more like the Just Barely a Glimpse widget. :slight_smile: Instead, I’ve concocted the Site Overview widget which displays much more site data (including my CPTs) and offers a lot of quick admin navigation.


the widget would show just the ones with public set to true

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So I’d have to make a cpt non Public just to not show it in the at a glance?

I’ll opt out of this.
If it’s gets implemented a filter should be added to remove this “feature” :grinning:

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The consensus is this isn’t needed. However, we do have another petition that aims up improve At a Glance widget.

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