Contributing to ClassicPress docs

The ClassicPress documentation can be found here:

The site content has now been made available on GitHub so that it is possible for anyone to contribute to the documentation.

Contributing is very easy (but you will need a GitHub account). At the bottom of every doc page you will see a link:


Click on this to get started. If you are not already signed into GitHub, you will prompted to do so. The first time you start working on a file you will be asked to make a fork of the docs in you own GitHub account. You only need to do this once, so click on the ‘Fork this repository’ button to continue.

Now you can start editing the page (using markdown).

Once you have completed your changes, you submit them by providing a short title as a summary and optionally some further text to explain the changes. It’s a good idea to make sure your proposed changes, and the reasons for making them, are clearly explained; this will make life much easier for the person approving the edits.

If you need to make further changes (or if you are asked to make revisions) you can do so at any time by going to your edited file and expanding the menu in the top corner (3 dots). You can then select ‘Edit File’ to make another commit.