Forking Genesis

That’s cool too :slight_smile:

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I don’t think a theme needs a framework. If it does, it’s too much of a plugin, not a theme. The framework of a theme is the CMS itself.

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There is a difference between a theme and a framework. Framework alone is not usable, it always needs a child theme. No, it is not a plugin, it is a framework, just it should be installed as a theme.

As I understand, it consists of libraries, hooks, some functionality. All CSS - child theme area. Please, correct me, if I am wrong, because I am not a coder. :slight_smile:

Why not name framework after some animal, living in your area? The other hard part of marketing - creating a symbol will be a much easier task. @zulfgani, wat wild animals live near you?


I think you summed up the definition of a framework quite succinctly. Theoretically, you could use a framework out of the box without a child theme, but it’s not ideal because the framework is what gets the big updates. When those updates happen, your site could break. The primary design is in the child theme itself. I hope this helps.

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That sounds like a plugin or the CMS itself. I never looked at Genesis, but the WP repositories don’t allow frameworks, for a reason. We have yet to define what would work well for the CP directories, but looking at why the WP rules are the way they are would be a good place to start.

As I’ve never seen Genesis, is it GPL compatible? Is there any benefit for the CP community to go after this particular framework?

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Matt Mullenweg: “Child themes and a framework are the only way you should build your WordPress site”.


I’m in Leicester, Leicestershire near the land of Robin Hood Sherwood Forest and where Lengends grow + foxes, foxes, I tell you foxes everywhere :rofl:


It’s released under the terms of the GPL 2 or later.

Popularity and a solid framework code base seems to be the key drivers for many Website Developers.


Actions was loosely based on the Genesis concept (well at least the idea). I never did release the Pro version so I’m thinking of releasing it purely for ClassicPress, not as a pro version but as a framework for other to build on.

Like @zulfgani said,

Plus, it is a strong marketing move: Genesis is one of the most popular (if not the most popular) framework; I bet that hundreds of thousands sites use it. It is very well received among developers, so a fork of a such solid foundation is the confirmation, that we are not joking about the bright future of ClassicPress.

I think, that you should take a deeper look at Genesis. It will answer many of your objections.


Foxland Framework.


I like Foxland Framework. :smiling_face:

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Then, it’s done. We should inform @zulfgani about the new name.




Anyway, regarding “starter themes” or frameworks, I often use Underscores, Understrap or , occasionally, Sage.


Sounds good to me. :smiling_face:


Additional thought provoking/play on words names:

Surely, if you’re in Leicester and it’s all about the Foxes, the name should be either Gary Lineker or Jamie Vardy.

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Ah, I hail from the land of Villa Park so I’m Villan/Villain? at heart

Having said that, I’m more of a Vardy fan than Lineker so I might be inclined to play favoritism if the choice came down to the two :innocent:

But don’t forget King Richard III was found buried under a car park in Leicester a few years back (2012 to be precise). :slight_smile:

The reason I just happened to drop in the word “Foxhaven” is because of the association with Leicestershire and a certain “country pursuit” that many people (including me) find abhorrent. That particular pursuit is supposed to have started in Leicestershire (hence the reason why Leicester FC are called The Foxes) and it’s still prevalent today.

I apologise for bringing up a highly controversial subject but that (the “country pursuit”) is what first comes to my mind when I hear or see the word “fox”.

But if it’s a choice between Vardy and Lineker, it’d be Lineker any day. Because I like crisps :grin:

And on that note, I shall bow out.


What about cats?

Nothing against foxes. But cats…

Why an animal and not a plant?
Seriously. To do something different from the masses.