Fresh install test


I am back after this post one year before: What is the difference between ClassicPress and WordPress?

1# I am using wordops to quick install a fresh Wordpress with multisite, wpredis cache, ssl wildcard on digitalocean server:

By this command line:

sudo -E wo site create --wpsubdir --wpredis --letsencrypt=wildcard --dns=dns_dgon

wo site update --password

wo clean --all

Wordpress version: 5.5.1 and Server environment
Server info: nginx/1.16.1
PHP version:
PHP post max size: 300 MB
PHP time limit: 300
PHP max input vars: 20000
cURL version: 7.58.0, OpenSSL/1.1.1
SUHOSIN installed: –
MySQL version: 5.5.5-10.3.22-MariaDB-1:10.3.22+maria~bionic-log
Max upload size: 1 MB
Default timezone is UTC:
Multibyte string:
Remote post:
Remote get:

2#Following this tutorial: Installing ClassicPress | ClassicPress Documentation

3# Networkly activate before Switch

Nginx helper
Redis Object Cache
Switch to ClassicPress

4# upgrade to ClassicPress 1.2.0
5# install Snitch to check security

6#Install WP Migrate DB Pro

7# pull a whole site to the test site including theme, plugin, medias.

Pull orignal site:


version: 5.5.1
site_language: en_GB
user_language: en_GB
timezone: +00:00
permalink: /blog/%post_id%/
https_status: true
multisite: true
user_registration: true
blog_public: 1
default_comment_status: open
environment_type: production
user_count: 1
site_count: 4
network_count: 1
dotorg_communication: true

wp-dropins (1)

advanced-cache.php: true


name: OceanWP (oceanwp)
version: 1.9.0
author: Nick
parent_theme: none
theme_features: core-block-patterns, post-thumbnails, align-wide, wp-block-styles, responsive-embeds, editor-styles, editor-style, menus, post-formats, title-tag, automatic-feed-links, custom-header, custom-logo, html5, woocommerce, wc-product-gallery-zoom, wc-product-gallery-lightbox, wc-product-gallery-slider, customize-selective-refresh-widgets, widgets
theme_path: /var/www/
auto_update: Disabled

wp-themes-inactive (4)

Phlox: version: 2.6.15, author: averta (latest version: 2.6.19),Auto-updates disabled
Twenty Nineteen: version: 1.7, author: the WordPress team,Auto-updates disabled
Twenty Seventeen: version: 2.4, author: the WordPress team,Auto-updates disabled
Twenty Twenty: version: 1.5, author: the WordPress team,Auto-updates disabled

wp-mu-plugins (1)

WP Migrate DB Pro Compatibility: version: 1.2, author: Delicious Brains

wp-plugins-active (44)

Admin Bar & Dashboard Control: version: 1.2.5, author: Author: Collins Agbonghama (W3Guy LLC), Auto-updates disabled
Admin CSS MU: version: 2.5, author: Arun Basil Lal, Auto-updates disabled
Autoptimize: version: 2.7.8, author: Frank Goossens (futtta), Auto-updates disabled
Booster Plus for WooCommerce: version: 5.3.2, author: Pluggabl LLC (latest version: 5.3.5), Auto-updates disabled
Classic Editor: version: 1.6, author: WordPress Contributors, Auto-updates disabled
Code Snippets: version: 2.14.0, author: Code Snippets Pro, Auto-updates disabled
Colorlib Login Customizer: version: 1.2.96, author: Colorlib, Auto-updates disabled
Customizer Export/Import: version: 0.9.2, author: The Beaver Builder Team, Auto-updates disabled
Disable User Gravatar: version: 3.0, author: Marcus Sykes, Auto-updates disabled
Dynamic Widgets: version: 1.5.16, author: Qurl, Auto-updates disabled
EWWW Image Optimizer: version: 5.7.1, author: Exactly WWW, Auto-updates disabled
Forminator: version: 1.14.0, author: WPMU DEV, Auto-updates disabled
Insert Headers and Footers: version: 1.4.6, author: WPBeginner, Auto-updates disabled
Letter Avatars: version: 3.1.0, author: Sibin Grasic, Auto-updates disabled
Login With Ajax: version: 3.1.10, author: Marcus Sykes, Auto-updates disabled
Nginx Helper: version: 2.2.2, author: rtCamp, Auto-updates disabled
Post SMTP: version: 2.0.15, author: Yehuda Hassine, Auto-updates disabled
Product Tabs Manager for WooCommerce: version:, author: BeRocket, Auto-updates disabled
Rank Math SEO: version:, author: Rank Math (latest version: 1.0.49), Auto-updates disabled
Super Socializer: version: 7.13.2, author: Team Heateor, Auto-updates disabled
Table of Contents Plus: version: 2002, author: Michael Tran, Auto-updates disabled Live Chat: version: 0.4.3, author: Tawkto, Auto-updates disabled
Themify - WooCommerce Product Filter: version: 1.3.1, author: Themify, Auto-updates disabled
Variation Swatches for WooCommerce: version: 1.0.86, author: Emran Ahmed, Auto-updates disabled
Variation Swatches for WooCommerce - Pro: version: 1.0.52, author: Emran Ahmed (latest version: 1.0.55), Auto-updates disabled
Widget Disable: version: 2.0.0, author: required, Auto-updates disabled
Widget Importer & Exporter: version: 1.6, author:, Auto-updates disabled
WooCommerce: version: 4.5.1, author: Automattic (latest version: 4.6.0), Auto-updates disabled
WooCommerce Accepted Payment Methods: version: 0.7.0, author: jameskoster, Auto-updates disabled
WooCommerce Orders Tracking Premium: version: 1.0.4, author: VillaTheme, Auto-updates disabled
WooCommerce Photo Reviews Premium: version:, author: VillaTheme (latest version:, Auto-updates disabled
Woocommerce Shipping Packages: version: 1.1.7, author: OneTeamSoftware, Auto-updates disabled
WooPricely - Dynamic Pricing & Discounts: version: 1.3.3, author: zendcrew, Auto-updates disabled
WP-Optimize Premium - Clean, Compress, Cache: version: 3.1.2, author: David Anderson, Ruhani Rabin, Team Updraft (latest version: 3.1.4), Auto-updates disabled
WPB Show Product Sales Number for WooCommerce: version: 1.0.2, author: wpbean, Auto-updates disabled
WP DB Search & Replace: version: 0.2.0, author: Weptile, Auto-updates disabled
WP Migrate DB Pro: version: 1.9.13, author: Delicious Brains, Auto-updates disabled
WP Migrate DB Pro Media Files: version: 1.4.15, author: Delicious Brains, Auto-updates disabled
WP Migrate DB Pro Multisite Tools: version: 1.2.6, author: Delicious Brains, Auto-updates disabled
WP Migrate DB Pro Theme & Plugin Files: version: 1.0.5, author: Delicious Brains, Auto-updates disabled
YITH Google Product Feed for WooCommerce Premium: version: 1.1.13, author: YITH, Auto-updates disabled
YITH WooCommerce Bulk Product Editing Premium: version: 1.2.24, author: YITH, Auto-updates disabled
YITH WooCommerce Checkout Manager: version: 1.4.0, author: YITH, Auto-updates disabled
YITH WooCommerce SMS Notifications Premium: version: 1.4.7, author: YITH, Auto-updates disabled

wp-plugins-inactive (38)

Advanced Database Cleaner PRO: version: 3.1.5, author: Younes JFR., Auto-updates disabled
AnsPress Question Answer: version: 4.1.18, author: Rahul Aryan, Auto-updates disabled
Better Search Replace: version: 1.3.3, author: Delicious Brains, Auto-updates disabled
Dropshipping and Fulfillment for AliExpress and WooCommerce: version: 1.0.4, author: VillaTheme(, Auto-updates disabled
Facebook for WooCommerce: version: 2.0.3, author: Facebook (latest version: 2.0.5), Auto-updates disabled
FS Poster: version: 4.0.7, author: FS-Code | Nulled by lgokul |, Auto-updates disabled
jQuery Manager for WordPress: version: 1.10.6, author: Remzi Cavdar, Auto-updates disabled
jQuery Updater: version:, author: Ramoonus, Auto-updates disabled
Media Cleaner (Pro): version: 6.0.4, author: Jordy Meow, Auto-updates disabled
Merge + Minify + Refresh: version: 1.10.11, author: Launch Interactive, Auto-updates disabled
Mollie Payments for WooCommerce: version: 5.9.0, author: Mollie, Auto-updates disabled
NanoSupport: version: 0.6.0, author: nanodesigns, Auto-updates disabled
NS Cloner - Site Copier: version: 4.0.9, author: Never Settle, Auto-updates disabled
Ocean Extra: version: 1.6.6, author: OceanWP, Auto-updates disabled
plugin load filter: version: 4.0.2, author: enomoto@celtislab, Auto-updates disabled
Product Filters for WooCommerce: version: 1.2.2, author: WooCommerce, Auto-updates disabled
Rich Table of Contents: version: 1.1.96, author:, Auto-updates disabled
Snitch: version: 1.1.8, author: pluginkollektiv, Auto-updates disabled
TM WooCommerce Product API Link: version: 1.1.0, author: Manish, Auto-updates disabled
Unconfirmed: version: 1.3.5, author: Boone B Gorges, Auto-updates disabled
Upload Larger Plugins: version: 1.5, author: David Anderson, Auto-updates disabled
User Role Editor Pro: version: 4.57.1, author: Vladimir Garagulia, Auto-updates disabled
User Switching: version: 1.5.6, author: John Blackbourn & contributors, Auto-updates disabled
Virtual Reviews for WooCommerce: version: 1.0.4, author: VillaTheme, Auto-updates disabled
Webcraftic Clearfy – WordPress optimization plugin: version: 1.7.4, author: Webcraftic [email protected], Auto-updates disabled
WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts: version: 2.3.9, author: RightPress, Auto-updates disabled
WooCommerce PayPal Checkout Gateway: version: 2.0.3, author: WooCommerce (latest version: 2.1.0), Auto-updates disabled
Woo Shipping Class Filter: version: 1.0, author: Reuven Karasik, Auto-updates disabled
WordPress Multisite Posts, Pages and Custom Post Type Posts Sync: version: 1.4.0, author: Obtain Infotech, Auto-updates disabled
WP Disable Automatic Updates: version: 1.1, author: Daniele De Rosa, Auto-updates disabled
WP Legal Pages: version: 2.4.5, author: WPEka Club, Auto-updates disabled
WP Legal Pages Pro: version: 7.6, author: WPEkaClub, Auto-updates disabled
WP Paint - WordPress Image Editor: version: 0.4.8, author: ZetaMatic, Auto-updates disabled
WP Reset PRO: version: 5.63, author: WebFactory Ltd, Auto-updates disabled
WP Rocket: version:, author: WP Media, Auto-updates disabled
WP Rocket | Disable Page Caching: author: WP Rocket Support Team, version: (undefined), Auto-updates disabled
WP Rollback: version: 1.7.1, author:, Auto-updates disabled
YITH WooCommerce Request A Quote Premium: version: 2.3.7, author: YITH, Auto-updates disabled


image_editor: EWWWIO_Imagick_Editor
imagick_module_version: 1687
imagemagick_version: ImageMagick 6.9.7-4 Q16 x86_64 20170114
file_uploads: File uploads is turned off
post_max_size: 300M
upload_max_filesize: 300M
max_effective_size: 300 MB
max_file_uploads: 20
gd_version: 2.3.0
ghostscript_version: 9.26


server_architecture: Linux 4.15.0-66-generic x86_64
httpd_software: nginx/1.16.1
php_version: 7.4.11 64bit
php_sapi: fpm-fcgi
max_input_variables: 20000
time_limit: 300
memory_limit: 128M
admin_memory_limit: 256M
max_input_time: 300
upload_max_filesize: 300M
php_post_max_size: 300M
curl_version: 7.58.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1g
suhosin: false
imagick_availability: true
pretty_permalinks: true


extension: mysqli
server_version: 10.3.22-MariaDB-1:10.3.22+maria~bionic-log
client_version: mysqlnd 7.4.11


WP_HOME: undefined
WP_SITEURL: undefined
WP_CONTENT_DIR: /var/www/
WP_PLUGIN_DIR: /var/www/
WP_DEBUG: false
WP_CACHE: false
COMPRESS_CSS: undefined
WP_LOCAL_DEV: undefined
DB_COLLATE: undefined


wordpress: writable
wp-content: writable
uploads: writable
plugins: writable
themes: writable
mu-plugins: writable


Search and replace from to

Error establishing a database connection

Delete site and retest process:

WP Downgrade | Specific Core Version to downgrade wordpress to version 4.9, but not 4.9.0

Change test process or step as following:

1# pull first
3# search and replace secondly
4# migrate classpress

Do you know that DO has a direct installation method for CP?


It looks like this - or another change like an incorrect config file - broke the blog URLs in your multisite installation.

1 Like

Thanks, actually I search and replace it with

The issue does not related to CP, but Migrate DB will flush cache and rewrite urls after replacing, but it does not work well with Nginx fatic cache.

So, I will use better search replace plugin to do the replace work.

downgrade from wordpress 5.5.1 to wordpress 4.9 will not work with Nginx helper (nginx fastcgi cache)

so, update both site to redis cache, then remove downgrade step as:

1# pull first
2# search and replace secondly
3# migrate classpress

Classic Commerce
CC Compatibility for Woo Addons

Installed, but found Rankmath can not be activated.

Not compatble plugiin:

Product Tabs Manager for WooCommerce

Version By BeRocket View details

Update manger

fatal error:

Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error .


Fatal error

Warning : fopen(/var/www/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/ on line 4904

Warning : fread() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /var/www/ on line 4907

Warning : fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /var/www/ on line 4910

Warning : require_once(/var/www/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/ on line 71

Fatal error : require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/var/www/’ (include_path=‘.:/usr/share/php’) in /var/www/ on line 71

It looks like you’ve installed my plugins straight from the master branch. As noted in the extremely succinct, you must run the release versions, not the branches. Here’s links to the releases. Delete the branch versions you installed (including the directories since they have “master” in the name,) install the production releases, and you’ll be good to go.

wordpress VS classpress![download|690x386](upload://eByUMHamYgqKkuRbnEuUgzhfAiT.png)


Interesting :slight_smile:

Am I correct in assuming that this is WordPress on the left and ClassicPress on the right?


I think the easiest way to do this is via the WP CLI. If you install this, then all you need to do is to run:

wp search-replace http(s):// http(s)://
1 Like

Yes, you are right.

Thanks, I note following message at

No Code Bloat
The plugins focus on doing their job well, rather than accounting for every fathomable use case.

according to privacy, I suggest this plugin for classpress: Snitch – WordPress plugin |

Unfornately, that plugin does not work well with nginx fastcgi cache.

I’ve read your message a few times, but, not sure what you’re getting at. Was there a question regarding my plugins?

1 Like

I think @alexlii is just asking that this plugin called snitch be forked for CP?

Or that it gets included in core?

A few things I found interesting about this result:

  • ClassicPress is generally performing better than WordPress, this is to be expected because we simply run less code.
  • Time to Interactive is slightly higher with ClassicPress, even though almost all other performance-related measures are better under CP. I wonder if this is just due to randomness, and repeated runs would smooth out this number?
  • ClassicPress gets slightly lower results for Accessibility. I would have thought this would have to do with only the theme chosen. Why / what is being measured there?