Continuing the discussion from How to make the forum better for novices?:
I have voiced my concerns about the forum before. I have held my peace for a while, but I see the same issues recurring, and a new thread on the subject suggests to me that it is time to raise those issues again.
- Splitting forum topics. I am sorry to say this, but it’s more than a little ironic in a discussion about how to improve the forums for novices (and where someone points out how difficult it is to follow threads that have been split) that the thread was itself closed and people told to split it! To me, that sounds like moderators saying “we are happy to hear what you say, but only within the limits we have prescribed”. But if those limits are part of the problem, then I don’t see how that helps.
Strangely enough, I have never had a problem following a discussion that has more than one underlying thread. I find that’s how humans converse. I can easily filter out the bits that aren’t relevant. On the other hand, finding a thread that’s been split off is hard. Sometimes, as others have pointed out, the new thread doesn’t show up. That’s clearly a Discourse problem, and it’s very annoying. But the issue goes beyond problems with the software.
I often get an email with a link to a discussion. But if I click on it, and the discussion has been moved, I don’t find what I was expecting to find. It’s extremely disorientating, and it gives an extremely unprofessional look. (The same is true with clicking on links provided elsewhere, of course, but it’s particularly irritating when the link is in an email, because that’s a direct invitation to visit a specific discussion … which is no longer there.)
So I ask again. Please stop splitting threads! If there’s another problem, such as trolling, deal with the trolling.
- Use ClassicPress instead. While I understand why Discourse is used for the forums, I remain convinced it’s a big mistake. As I have said countless times, we should be using ClassicPress itself. Yes, I have heard the argument that Discourse can do things better, but I think those making that argument have a fundamentally different view of the criterion against which to judge that claim from the criteria I consider most important.
We should be showing off what ClassicPress can do. It’s a shop window for our product. Just as importantly, we will find shortcomings, and will enhance our product accordingly, for the benefit of our whole user base.
ClassicPress is more than capable of handling forums, whether we build the functionality ourselves or use a ready-made plugin.
It would mean that forum users would visit the main ClassicPress website. We hear so often that no-one visits the site or reads the posts there: well, no wonder! It makes no sense to draw users away from the main site to an alternative location.
What happens when the current moderators wish to relinquish their duties? Only those who know Discourse could take over, which is inevitably a small number. Yet there’s no reason to be having to choose from such a small pool. If we used ClassicPress, almost anyone with experience of running sites could potentially be a moderator.
I think it’s time to make some fundamental changes!