"Must Have" Plugins List

I have just tested Toolset on CP and this is a no-go, unfortunately it will blow the site up.

Toolset uses functions like do_blocks() very intricately even if you where to enable their “Legacy (Classic Editor)” and they completely migrated to a “Blocks only” approach.

What you’d have to do to use Toolset on a CP would be to use a version prior or equal to and pendant Types, CRED etc.
These versions are very outdated and not really recommendable to install.

Unfortunately I don’t think Toolset will be willing to support CP, they are relatively stubbornly fixed on “Gutenberg is the future” (yeah, well, that may be right, but it’s not the present :wink: ), so it is not worth asking. I know this for sure, because I am active customer and used to work for Toolset, it is their clear stated goal to go with GB and nothing else.

Forking or else re-distributing the Plugins won’t be possible either, because of the “paid” nature of non-free plugins it would be a nightmare of infringements and also not totally fair towards the company behind it.

For this reason, I have started a whole set of new Plugins that cover the area.
They are no where close to production ready, no where close to Toolset either, but its a start

I am looking for contributors of course, I am a one man show and can’t do everything, since I do this aside my main income (WP Freelancer, hopefully soon also CP Freelancer).

So I am just putting the links out there for the interested to use, fork, contribute, yada yada:

As said these plugins are under heavy development - do not use on live sites or important sites.
They will not do a tenth of what Toolset does and they are - I repeat - not functional for production.
But again, it is a start and I intend to make those plugins non-GB oriented, so they will work on CP, as I intend to fully move to CP and simply don’t want to create a full PHP development cycle for each site that needs Searches, Forms, CPTs, Fields, and the like

I hope it is OK to share this here, and truly hope we can create a bundle of “Like Toolset” Plugins for CP!


This one might be a substitute for many page builders on the long run, and since it’s a “new” plugin, voting on the feature request to support CP might drive things in a certain direction.

It is definitely less messy than elementor’s HTML salad.
Personally I do not use it, however, many websites I helped build rely on page builders…

The request is registered here - for those with few bucks (also available free or for lifetime) left to spend and wanting a builder with potential to support CP, I suggest voting on it :slight_smile:


I have just been revisiting and updating this wiki. It should be a useful reference for plugin developers to see where they can direct their efforts.

I did notice this:

It might be time to contact them and tell them the directory is now up?


“I’d be happy to switch to CP but I really need to have a fork of Toolset”. Or something like Toolset, that works like Toolset ; )

Toolset Types, (Legacy) Toolset View, Toolset Forms, (Legacy) Toolset Module Manager, Toolset Maps, Toolset Access


@cuteberry - check https://github.com/users/TukuToi/projects/1, this is the “Toolset for ClassicPress” (just 99% lighter than toolset and with a more extended shortcode repertoire, but … it’s a one man show, not a company of 120 people, so please bare with me :wink: )

Not everything that Toolset covers is ready yet in these plugins (Access and Forms are totally missing, for example)
However, ShortCodes, Search and Templating (or what you know from Toolset as “Views” and “Layouts/Content Templates”) is ready for an alpha release, I already use it on my own and on a client site, but it is not really stable release ready mainly because some features, while not broken, are not optimally usable by “end users” and require a lot of “knowledge” to be used.

Please, feel free to test it out on testing sites, feedback on the respective Git Projects in form of tickets, or by PM to my user here on CP forum.
Please do not open tickets in the CP forum about these plugins yet, because they aren’t officially released as of now. Once they are, I will also provide support here.

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Thanks Beda :slightly_smiling_face:

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You should add bricks to the long listing of the compatible builders, it just need a little tweak