Proposed rule change: no Committee approval vote for ClassicPress minor releases

This post is to propose a rule change to the way minor releases of ClassicPress (such as the upcoming 1.2.0) are planned and approved. In the last committee meeting (January of this year), we agreed that the Committee would approve plans for minor releases presented by me as Core team lead.

The proposed change is to take the Committee out of this process - as Core team lead, I will draw up a plan for each minor release and present it to the community for comments.

There are two reasons for proposing this change now:

  • Iā€™d like to be able to modify minor release plans as needed. In this specific case, by including an additional item in this release which will be of benefit to ClassicPress users: allowing plugin and theme updates from zip files. WordPress has now implemented this feature and it would be a big benefit to ClassicPress users since many ClassicPress plugins are still managed using zip files.
  • The committee has not been active in multiple months, so my original idea of getting a bit more transparency in these decisions does not seem to be working very well.

@Directors please vote on the poll below:

  • Agree: Core team lead will consult with community and decide on minor release plans
  • Disagree: Committee will approve minor release plans

0 voters

If you are not on the current committee but you want to register your opinion on this matter, you can do so using this poll or by leaving a comment below:

  • Agree: Core team lead will consult with community and decide on minor release plans
  • Disagree: Committee will approve minor release plans

0 voters


Maybe I am interpreting this question wrongly

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