Tools for cp devs

I think I had added a section to developer doc about tools for developer but we took it away because there where some concerns about maintaining said list of tools

Now I found this ClassicPress Snippets & Auto-Completions - Visual Studio Marketplace

I think again a list of tools for devs would make sense
Sooner or later we’ll have (hopefully) a CPCS instead of WPCS, and perhaps some snip library for sublime text or else code editors, and so on

Of course for now we can just bookmark, but who knew about above visual studio library?
I didn’t.
And while I use sublime text surely a visual studio user would probably be thankful for said library

So I think a list of tools for cp devs is something we should curate and maintain

Any other tools out there?
Does anyone already have custom wpcs rules for cp? (Like without Yoda but Strict comparison instead)

Let’s use this thread to list said tools so at an adequate time we can come back here to gather them and list in our doc…


PHP Storm has a WordPress plugin bundled with it. Since the platforms haven’t diverged much as of yet, it’s still a viable tool for ClassicPress development. I don’t believe it is enabled on a project by default.

See File > Settings > Plugins > WordPress in PHP Storm to enable/disable the plugin.


This doesn’t necessarily count as a tool like you’re describing, but, The ClassicPress Code Reference might be a good addition to the list. The search/filter functionality is extremely helpful.


That’s great!

What tool do you use to set up a local dev environment without wasting time?

I used to go with Laragon, but recently found out about Vagrant.

I am actually doing a Vagrant setup with a LAMP environment and an already existing classicpress database, so it’s easy to start fresh copies of CP to test stuff, like the thing with the current TinyMCE update.

The thing is, with Vagrant one can create this “base box” containing the LAMP server, phpMyAdmin, probably some PHP debugging tool and so on… and then yeah, everytime one needs to get a fresh CP install, it’s as easy as setting up an instance of that box.

Similar to Docker but… a bit different.

I will share that prepared box soon, with a guide on how to use it for users who may not know about it.


I don’t do a lot of work requiring local environment, but when I do I prefer to use something simple like WinNMP on Windows. All our servers are Nginx and MariaDB, so I find this matches our stack well for testing. Plus, it doesn’t require any CLI or spinning up anything. It just works. Similar to WAMP. I like simple.

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On Mac, XAMPP.

On Linux, sudo apt-get install lamp-server^


Same… unless I really need different PHP versions or some custom extension configuration, then it’s time to waste some time with VMs or docker.

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Me too.

I’m not a developer, but I have tried XAMPP for Windows while exploring CMSs.

I have also tried a few ready-made CMS+Stack bundles from Bitnami. (It would be nice for ClassicPress to have its own bundles here.)

Right now though I’m building my website online, directly on the server (a development site that I will later transfer to my production site). This makes more sense since I’m on Windows and my server is a restrictive FreeBSD installation. There’s no way I can reproduce that environment.

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I tried Bitnami and it was larger than XAMPP and didn’t work right for me. (I’m on Ubuntu Studio 20.04)

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On Linux Mint, I just install everything through the built-in package manager. On Windows, these days I use Local by Flywheel.

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Just came across this in slack shared by James, SSL Server Test (Powered by Qualys SSL Labs)

Might come in handy here or there, thus adding it here for later evaluation to be added to some list (or not)

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