White screen of death when I'm trying to make a new post

@Marialena.S I know you have issues with mainstream browsers but as you know, I’ve never had a white screen using Firefox, Chrome, Edge and even Pale Moon.

Perhaps you could install Chromium temporarily just to test things out. We really need to be able to rule out a problem with your browser setup as we’ve covered most other possibilities.

If you could give everything a try in Chromium (or any other browser), then this will help us to narrow down even further.

Thank you.

I had the same browsers all that long. With the same set up. So they are not the browsers that changed but something on the website after the recent update. If something actually changed. Perhaps it was a compination of actions that triggered the wsod. Something like edit the post + edit the permalink.

The Iron is a modified Chromium and the Pale Moon is a modified Firefox.

The problem occured when I tried to edit a permalink. It stopped then saving the content of the posts.

Why no one seem to pay attention to this thing. I wrote it again and again. It has nothing to do with the browser. If it was a browser’s problem then it wouldn’t publish the posts with the Lorem Ipsum sample text.

As soon as I clicked to the edit button of the permalink it crashed. It didn’t save that particular permalink and then it couldn’t save the content of the first part of the article though it was in English and in plain text with utf-8 encoding.

Perhaps the corrupted permalink was stored on the database though the post was deleted and as the article had the same title it couldn’t save it. Or something like this.

I didn’t have any problem to publish the old post that I have lost when I uploaded the database backup. But I had problem to post the article that it had to have the same title with the one that its permalink crashed.

The second part of the article that had a different title was published normally. The first part that had the original title had the problem.

Is there a way to see in the database how many times it has recorded that crushed permalink?

ETA: Or someone to check what the new release’s “edit permalink” thing does in the database.
Someone to edit a permalink on a post on his/her CP site to see what is going to happen. Is it going to edit it, is it going to crush it and if it crushes does it accept the same permalink back in the database or is denying it.

I think this is a good clue if it immediately preceded the WSOD. The only thing I can think of …and it seems unlikely… maybe there’s a plugin (or the theme) that is using JS to target the Edit button click to perform some action (or even just carelessly targeting it via sloppy code) and something went wrong in the process. Like I said, it seems unlikely…but it also seems like we’re running out of ideas.

Try to redo it. Edit a permalink on an already existing blog post ( something that you don’t mind to lose it) on your website to check what is going to happen.
Will it edit it normally or it will not?
And if not then try to repost the same post with the same tittle, as you are going to lose the content of the existing post after that and it will save it as draft in the list of blog posts- as it did in my case- to see… is it going to accept it or is it going to deny to publish it?
If it gives the wsod then it is something that has to do with the permalink.

I can’t see a good reason why any of the 10 plugins that I have all and all on my website started to malfunction out of the blue.
And what have the plugins to do with editing the permalinks?

The permalinks are actually the urls of the posts and in my case have the title of each post ( neither numbers or something else). Perhaps it got confused when I changed the title and changed the permaling simultaneously.

But this doesn’t make that much sense because it didn’t publish the post and then I deleted it and tried to post it again.

Left over of a deleted post and permalink in the database… that is what I’m thinking. It didn’t want to save something that it looked like it already existed… or something like this.
I don’t know how to write it right.

I think you know I’ve paid quite a lot of attention to “this thing”. But, as I’ve also said many times, I have never had a single WSOD and the only thing that is different is the browser. Trying a different browser is a very common part of troubleshooting in situations such as these.

I am also still looking at the database.

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Did you try to change a permalink on an already existing post on my website?!!!
Don’t touch the posts. I do mind if I lose them! :worried:

Not touched a thing @Marialena.S

EDIT: the above ^ problems were apparently caused by a server fault.

The server fault occured today. The problem on the post appeared three days ago and it might created from the last CP update that I don’t know when exactly took place as had not posted something.
I would advise not to dismiss it as a server’s fault as if it was a server’s fault, we wouldn’t be both able to post other posts but not this particular part of this post, that it was the post with the title that its permalink I tried to edit.

I would suggest to wait and check from time to time if someone else encounters the same problem, either on CP or on WP.

Also this must be a new problem because the theme I use had nothing to do with the problem, as I use the same theme seven years now without a problem and the problem persisted not only with this theme, but with all other themes I tried.

As for marking this thread as solved… Well…What solved it?
I have no answer of what the problem was because I tried everything before Tim went on with the full maintenance of my website, that though it needed some cleaning and optimizing, didn’t have problem with the permalinks editing up until now.

I think that this is what happened White screen of death when I'm trying to make a new post - #86 by Marialena.S

The permalink editing crashed the post and left something on the database that made the server refuse to pubilsh any post with the exact same tittle or content. When Tim cleaned the database got rid of that entry and then we were able to publish the post, though we didn’t publish it with the exact same tittle that I gave to it when I edited the permalink.

This is my opinion on what happened and I insist on this simply because I’m 1000% certain that the problem appeared the exact moment I tried to save the edited permalink of the already published post, losing this way the post.

Whatever is the case I want to thank you all for your suggestions and support and particularly Tim for the trouble he got to clean up my website.

Thank you all. :heart:


I am confident that the last CP update was not the cause of this issue. There were no changes in that update that were directly related to publishing posts.

Of course, we’ll be here :slight_smile:


I didb;t say that I’m sure that the problem occurred from the last update. I said that I have notion that this is what a happened, because it occurred after the update to the new release, while I didn’t have previously any similar problem.
I mean that the permalink editing is something that has to do with the cms and not with any of the plugins. I clicked to edit the permalink and that crashed that particular post in such a way that the server didn’t want … to deal with it again. lol.

It published the other posts but it didn’t want to publish this particular one. Neither by me nor by Tim. We both tried to publish the same post with no success until Tim cleared the database…How do you explain this?

May I ask something?
When you delete a post or page from a website, do you actually delete it from the database completely, for ever and without leaving behind any entries or traces?
This is not a rhetorical question. I’m asking because I want to learn not to make an argument.

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I split the deletion topic off as it is no longer related to the original thread. I am also closing this thread, if there is any other discussions please use the “Reply as linked topic”:

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