Classic Commerce is a fork of WooCommerce 3.5.3 and a ClassicPress-user community-led project. This roadmap might be adjusted periodically to remain aligned with user needs and desires.(Adjustments will be done on the development Repository)
It’s very important to note that:
Classic Commerce is not an official ClassicPress project; it has been driven by ClassicPress users as an independent project.
Version 1.x of Classic Commerce is compatible with ClassicPress 1.x and will be fully backward compatible with WooCommerce 3.5.3. We won’t introduce any changes or features that would cause plugins or themes to break. We are also making changes that won’t break your shop if you decide to use this on WordPress 4.9.x.
Why Classic Commerce?
Just like ClassicPress Version 1.x, one of the goals of Classic Commerce is remove the use of Gutenberg blocks in the e-shop plus the requirement to use Jetpack.
What have we been doing in the past few months?
For ClassicPress to grow and remain competitive in the market, we have noticed that there is a need to have an e-commerce solution tailored for it. With the new direction of the block editor, we can not foretell what the other e-commerce solutions will do, or how they would interact, or even if they would work with ClassicPress.
Because of this chasm, J Parker forked WooCommerce 3.5.3 to allow us to continue using this powerful piece of e-commerce software while keeping it compatible with ClassicPress. We have since been removing WooCommerce and Jetpack dependant services and plugins, consequentially trimming the initial install wizard and plugin dead weight (bloat) as well.
In addition to that huge task, we have been rebranding and archiving the functions and classes that come with the fork for easier and better tracking of the development of the software.
The PHP minimum requirement has been bumped up to match ClassicPress required 5.6.
Privacy has been enhanced by removing user data tracking options. With WooCommerce, you are requested to share feedback, but the plugin user doesn’t know the use of this data. To cover privacy issues, we have removed this request from the current version in our GitHub repo.
Key extensions needed for an open source e-commerce solution are currently being evaluated.
- Open source - Necessary Plugins/Extensions · Issue #8 · ClassicPress/classic-commerce · GitHub
- Premium - Premium extensions needed · Issue #19 · ClassicPress/classic-commerce · GitHub
What we haven’t done:
We have not changed the functionality of the software as forked, so all the extensions compatible with WooCommerce 3.5.3 are still usable (we call out for massive testing and feedback on this).
Change any functionality hooks. All actions and filters are intact as before.
There has been no special work on the interface layouts and styles of the software.
Proposed Roadmap
Version 1.x
Our intention is to have an early December version 1.0.0-alpha1 release and this is the proposed roadmap.
- 1.0.0-alpha1 - Remove user data tracking options, Jetpack, WC service integrations etc
- 1.0.0-beta1 through beta3 - begin identifying and implementing/fixing key extensions like payment gateways, shipping, etc
- 1.0.0-rc1 - release candidate with basic store functionality working
- 1.0.0 - basic but usable and well-tested e-commerce solution, open for new extension developers
- Stay backward compatible to WooCommerce as possible.
- Make possible i18n through a new .pot file to allow translation of plugin from default English development.
Version 1.1.0
- Build more key extensions like payment gateways, shipping, etc
- Backport changes from WooCommerce (non-breaking changes)
- Fix usability annoyances in the admin area.
- Boost plugin security (includes backporting fixes from 3.5.4 to current WC versions).
- Make possible i18n through a new .pot file.
Version 2.x
- Backport changes from WooCommerce ( breaking changes)
- Replace deprecated WooCommerce service integrations API with an open API, so anyone can “dock on” their 3rd party integrations, SaaS or stand-alone plugin solutions.
- Remove backward compatibility for WooCommerce below version 3.0.0
How can you help?
We need:
- Testers of the releases. Reporting issues and feature requests.
- Developers to push this forward.
- Project Managers to guide the mammoth of a task.
What are your thoughts?